Be alone but not lonely

Osho said
Be alone but not lonely.
How apt is the state of mind
Where tranquility rules steadfastly

Now I carve my own life
Chart my own destiny
Be a pathfinder of my own strife
And with exemplary serenity

Me with my senses
Wallop in nature’s splash
Cherish subtle nuances
Rise like phoenix from ash

Undulating tumultuous mind waves
Turn into gentle breeze of Tranquility
Vicissitude of expansive traverse
Transform into pious sobriety

Empathize with those
Forlorn souls Shunned
As destitutes in old age homes
Incarcerated and banished

When I yearn for company.
They come like flock of swans
when I sense the traces of felony
I retreat to my cocoon of warps

Connoisseur of Chalice
Ruling the Kingdom of mind
As nice as a paradise
With no such thing as dead end

There is no fear of stagnation
No travesty of justice
There is no Subjugation
And fear of any malice

With choice of more & more
Conjuring to live dangerously
I would be with myself allover
Be alone and not lonely


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